Did anybody dislike Stone Cold?

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Thursday, May 2, 2024
wow, stone cold fans seem to be just like stone cold. insulting my intellect. i find that funny seeing how this is a freaking wrestling forum, and you really dont know who i am. i guess being an econ major at ucla and having a 3.5 there makes me stupid. im not saying im smarter than anyone else, but i think my intellect is ok. for all i know your from harvard, lol. some people take this shit serious i guess. also, if your gunna insult me, use an insult that makes sense. how does bull[shit] have anything to do with intellect? but i guess stone cold fans will be asses just like stone cold.

where to start,

first, when did i bring up hogan or cena? yeah scsa sold well, but he would also show up and stun a ton of people, like the corporation, the alliance etc. his constant superman stunning the hell out of everyone annoyed me.

also, heels arent suppose to go over clean. thats what makes them heels. they are suppose to win underhandedly. i actually thought it was a poor decision to have cena loose cleanly to orton at hell in a cell, but i guess that type of match makes it ok since the rules are out the window. also, didnt everyone praise cena for making swagger look good but still beating him. my point wasnt that the rock jobbed to a lot of people, my point was he was the best person to fued with if you wanted to get to the top. with the exception of mr ass, lol.

the rock did put foley over. remember he was beaten with a forklift? and he won through cheating as a heel, not cleanly to foley.

also, how do you know what went into scsa walking out. oh he didnt like how it was done so he went home. stop being a fanboy and think maybe he wanted to stay on top. stop taking rumors to be the truth.

and again you take rumors of austin to be true. i heard he was a great guy and thats good enough for me, huh? he walked out on the company numerous times. he refused to job to people. and he plead no contest to assaulting his wife. your right, she may be lying, but seeing stone colds other actions, i say there is a pretty good chance he beat her.

and austin WAS at the right place at the right time. people hated vince in real life because of the screwjob. people didnt hate biscoff in real life. vince is one of the best characters ever in wrestling. he can make people absolutely hate him. and who else got to drive beer trucks? he was given all the props and made it work. im not saying he wasnt talented or charismatic, but again, he would probably be around the level of kain if it wasnt for this fued.

and untrue facts, i seem to be the one putting up facts, you know him walking out, refusing to job, and on the record as a wife beater. you have pretty much given rumors and fanboy oppinions of scsa. if your gunna insult me, try to actually put thought into it. your post was kind of, sad.
